Petro Borovyk
Managing Partner, Patent Attorney, Dipl.Ing., Intellectual Property Team
+380 (44) 331-05-31
Patent Attorney, Court Expert in Intellectual Property accredited by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
Mr. Borovyk started his career in 1980 with the R&D department of company “Arsenal”, one of the leading military industry companies in Ukraine heading the team of engineers, who developed infra-red electro-optic systems in the field of aircraft and space technologies.
In 1993-96 Mr. Borovyk acted as a Director of the LLC “Stalk”, Kyiv, which developed automatic systems and software for food producers.
Mr. Borovyk joined Ukrainian Patent Office in 1996 as Head of Department and Deputy Director of the Patent Examination Department.
In 2001 Mr. Borovyk started practising as patent attorney and founded BOROVYK & PARTNERS.
Engineer Diploma, National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI”, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Master of Science in Intellectual Property, National Technical University Kharkiv, Ukraine.
INTA, All-Ukrainian Patent Attorney Association, Member of the Board.
Developing strategies for protection of the industrial property.
Patent prosecution, patent research.
English, Russian and Ukrainian.

Natalia Varankova
+380 (44) 536-03-05
Natalia graduated from Minsk Linguistic University in 2001 and continued her study in Germany.
In 2009 Natalia enrolled at the State Institute of Intellectual Property and joined BOROVYK & PARTNERS.
Natalia is responsible for communication with Ukrainian and foreign patent offices as well as WIPO during the international trademark registration either directly or under the Madrid System and during the patents prosecution under the PCT.
Master in German Philology, Minsk State Linguistic University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
Master in German Philology, University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany.
Master of Intellectual Property, State Institute of Intellectual Property, Kyiv, Ukraine.
International trademark registration, patents prosecution under PCT.
Ukrainian, Russian, English, German.

Myroslava Slobodianiuk
Head of the international patent department
+380 (44) 536-03-05
After receiving a master’s degree in mineralogy, geochemistry and petrography from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in 2013, Myroslava joined the patent team “BOROVYK AND PARTNERS”.
While working at BOROVYK AND PARTNERS, Myroslava continued her studies and obtained a Master’s degree in Intellectual Property from the National University “Odesa Law Academy” in Kyiv.
Main areas of activity: patenting of inventions and utility models, preparation of national and international patent applications, foreign patenting, preparation of applications for registration of industrial designs under national and international procedures, registration of intellectual property in the Customs Register, aimed at protection of intellectual property rights.
Master of Science in Geochemistry and Mineralogy, Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Master of Intellectual Property, Institute of Intellectual Property of the National University “Odessa Law Academy” in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Patenting of inventions and utility models in Ukraine.
International patenting of inventions and utility models.
Registration of industrial designs in Ukraine.
International registration of industrial designs.
Conducting information (patent) searches.
Registration of intellectual property in Customs Register.
Ukrainian, Russian, English.
Member of the national group of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIRRI).

Оlga Navrotska
Associate, Patent Attorney, Dipl.Ing., Intellectual Property Team
+380 (44) 536-03-05
Olga has experience in the field of protection of intellectual property rights in Ukraine since 2000. Since 2005 Olga worked as the chief expert of the department of examination of applications for inventions, utility models and topographies of integrated circuits at the Ukrainian Patent and Trademark Office.
At the end of 2017 Olga joined the company “Borovyk and Partners” as member of patent team.
Engineer in Transportation Organization and Management in Road Transport, Ukrainian Transport University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Intellectual Property Manager, National Technical University “KhPI”, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Inventions, utility models and industrial designs.
Ukrainian, Russian, English.

Oleg Mingela
Associate, corporate and business law
+380 (44) 201-63-10
Oleg gained his first professional experience in 2013 as a legal advisor to a construction company. Later he continued postgraduate studies, in 2018 he defended his dissertation on “Legal practice in the legal system of society”.
Oleg continues his scientific work at the Institute of Economic and Legal Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In 2019 he joined the Borovyk & Partners Law Firm.
Oleg has experience as in-house counsel, pro bono legal advice, legal support of business activities. He is also the author of several scientific articles.
Oleg’s main areas of responsibility are application of legal doctrine to economic activity, to contracts and other legal documents. Due to his strong theoretical background, Oleg quickly gains the ground in a wide range of projects in various fields of law.
Master’s Degree with Honors, Faculty of Law, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine.
Postgraduate Studies, Ph.D. in Law, Donetsk National University named after Vasyl Stus, Vinnytsia, Ukraine.
Public law, corporate and business law.
Ukrainian, Russian, English.

Anna Klius
+380 (44) 536-03-05
Anna graduated from the Law Faculty of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University and the Institute of Intellectual Property of the National University of Odessa Law Academy in Kyiv.
After working for 5 years at the Ukrainian Patent and Trademark Office (UKRPATENT), Anna joined BOROVYK & PARTNERS as a specialist in the Trademarks and Industrial Designs department.
Anna’s main areas of business include registration of trademarks and industrial designs in Ukraine, international registration of industrial designs under the Hague system, and registration of copyright.
Master’s degree with honors, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Trademark registration in Ukraine.
Registration of industrial designs in Ukraine.
International Registration of Industrial Designs under the Hague System.
Copyright registration.
Ukrainian, Russian, English.

Svitlana Muzyka
Patent Attorney Associate
+380 (44) 536-03-05
Svitlana joined the “BOROVYK AND PARTNERS” patenting team in 2022 while simultaneously studying at the Department of Machines and Apparatus of Chemical and Oil Refining Industries of the Chemical Engineering Faculty at the National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorskyi Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. Svitlana obtained a Bachelor’s degree in industrial mechanical engineering and continued her studies with the aim of obtaining a Master’s degree.
Main areas of activity: maintaining the validity of patents, patent information searches, and drafting patent applications (inventions, utility models).
Bachelor’s degree with honors in industrial mechanical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer-integrated design technologies of chemical engineering equipment, from the National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.
Conducting patent information searches.
Patenting of inventions and utility models in Ukraine.
Ukrainian, English.